posted 01-06-2008 12:05 AM
First, you need to get some avatars----small pictures that can be still pictures, cartoons, or my favorite, the animated/motion type avatars. There are many sites which offer these things for free. Google "Avatars"---literally hundreds of sites available. Some sites you register/subscribe and have access to thousands of these things, or you can simply right click one of mine (as a test), save in your "my pictures."Next, now that you have your saved avatar, you need to go to
Register there for a free photo/movie storage space. They make their $ off of the advertisement you will see in all of the columns. Have no fear, photo bucket is the #1 site for posting pictures. It is a hub, and your photo album will be secure---password protected. Because it is a well used site, your password will have to be pretty unique----as it rejected most of my attempts.
Once you register with your new username and password (write it down!!!), your cookies will save the password/username so you won't have to retype it (thank goodness). Click on the UPLOAD PHOTOS tab on the photobucket site. Next, you will see several BROWSE buttons. Click on a BROWSE button, and the site will prompt your pictures (My Pictures section)from your computer. Select the avatar you want to post. Then press UPLOAD under the Browse section. 3 seconds later, you will see your avatar in the my pictures box. If you happen to have a BUNCH of images you want to upload---it will allow you to upload 20 or so pictures at a time---thus, the whole column of BROWSE tabs.
Under your picture, which has now been transfered to photobucket, you have 4 or 5 choices of how to send or transfer your avatar. Rightclick Copy the HTLM selection.
Exit the photobucket site. Come to polygraph place, and rightclick/Paste the HTRM code on your post----it will appear as a bunch of code (about 3 lines of nonsensical gibbery numbers/letters. When you submit your post, your avatar will appear.
They key to putting images on this site is that they must be transferred to HTLM code----whatever the hell that means. All I know is that this particularly old forum format only supports HTRM.
If you want to post polygraph charts here---you just follow those instructions above with the website, transfer the charts to the HTLM format, and bata bing batta boom, we have charts. I would post some sample charts, but I only surf the web with my wife's canary...ahem...laptop. I have no charts on this computer.
Please, someone post graphics....anything other than type-written, unbolded, unitalicized words.

If you have problems, ask me a question here.